Pre-Purchase Home Inspections

For most home sales an inspection is required by your lender or is a condition in the offer. Our pre-purchase inspection covers both the exterior and the interior of the home  and includes an extensive report including pictures which will be presented to you following the inspection of the site. Generally reports are returned within 24 hours.

Standard Inspection reports include:

  1. Foundation: Evaluation of the property’s foundation and whether or not it will pose any problems down the road
  2. Structure: We take a close look at the structural integrity of the home, as it will determine several other factors moving forward
  3. Exterior: We examine the exterior including the roof, siding, exposed foundation, manufactured home skirting and the overall condition of the yard including potential drainage issues
  4. Interior: A thorough walk through the house examining any deficiencies
  5. Plumbing/HVAC: All exposed plumbing and heating/ventilation systems are inspected
  6. Electrical: While harder to examine than just about everything else, it pays to have an idea of how the home’s electrical system is operating

Cost per Inspection:

  • Condo’s (Apartment): $400.00
  • Residential: $650.00
  • Rural/Cabins: $750.00
  • Commercial: Contact for pricing
  • Homes with Revenue Suites: $650.00 + $100.00 for each additional unit